AJ Smeltzer Community Food Pantry
This is an confidential system that families can use to get access to foods that they might find at a food bank, such as: dried pasta, canned fruits and veggies, soup, and other non-perishable items. The only person who receives your request is Michelle Boudreau, SchoolsPlus Community Outreach Worker. All information is confidential and this pantry is here for everyone!
Follow the link below to fill out the form by the end of the day on Tuesdays to guarantee the preparation of your food request by that Thursday. Food can be picked up all day Friday at the school or delivered to your home. You will be contacted with details about food pickup/drop off by either email or call/text, depending on the information you provide. Send questions to michelle.boudreau@hrce.ca
Link for form to request food from the food pantry: